Automated Assessments, Intelligence and Optimisation.

Get unbeatable value, quality, and focus with our AI system - All while reducing your team's workload.


Do more important work

Scale your assessment work with AI. Optible collects information, compares and scores it to your requirements. Slash tedious routine assessment by 90%, re-focus expertise where it’s required.


Workflow guidance system

Frictionless flow of decision ready information. Optible highlights inconsistencies and non-compliant work to prevent costly errors and eliminate bias. Our system enables seamless information delivery across your organisation and integrations.


Single, smarter source of truth

Cut through the data frustration. Optible contextualises and converts raw data into concise visualisations and reports for quick and informed decision-making

Who Benefits From Optible?

  • For our government partners, Optible is a trusted tool in decision-making that enables faster and more accurate results. We offer unmatched reporting capabilities and a software built with security and compliance in mind.

  • Corporations use Optible to optimise their decision-making, empowering teams to act on accurate and timely insights, helping them achieve affordable project upscaling, with clear cost savings.

  • Non-profits benefit from Optible's customisable no-code system, which allows for nuanced configuration at scale. Optible is built for volume spikes, and acts as a scalable, intelligent team member to analyse your program or project assessment needs.

Reputable Organisations and high performance teams trust Optible.

Mark Ledson
Department for Industry, Innovation and Science

“Both the CEO and CTO demonstrate a pragmatic approach to collaborating with a government agency. They have a high level of commercial and technical understanding”

We do the  legwork to get you up and running

  1. Switching to Optible: The Optible journey starts with a no-code onboarding and seamless integrations to your existing systems.

  2. Uninterrupted workflow: Our intuitive interface allows you to seamlessly continue your work while we provide initial training in the background.

  3. Optible gets to know you too: Experience zero interruption time while Optible learns from your pattern of work.

  4. Data Harmonisation: Watch as your partnership with Optible results in an efficient, productive partnership with proven ROI.

You can be up and running
within a day of meeting us

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Optible uses AI and machine learning/ natural language processing algorithms to score your data (assessments, applications, forms etc) against criteria that you’ve defined during onboarding. Optible learns what is important to your organisation and is able to assess data at 10x the rate of a human, with 99.9% accuracy.

  • In laymans terms, Optible becomes like another member of your team. During onboarding, you tell us (and Optible) what is important, and using algorithms and weighted criteria, it “trains” itself.

  • Nope! Optible is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. Simply upload your form/application or other data and let Optible analyse it for you. The generated report is easy to understand, and information is presented in a clear and concise manner. Our “train-as-you-go” model means that as you define your specific requirements, our model gets more efficient.

  • We offer custom pricing based on your specific needs and requirements. Please contact our sales team at the “Book a Demo” button or email to discuss your needs and to have a chat about the ROI Optible can provide.

  • Yes, we offer customer support via email and chat. Our support team is available to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance with getting set up on the platform. You can reach our support team at

  • We take the security of your data very seriously. All data uploaded to our platform is encrypted using industry-standard encryption. We also use best-in-class security measures to protect your data from unauthorised access or disclosure. Additionally, we do not share your data with any third parties without your explicit consent. Please see our Data and Privacy Policy for more information